Historiska Museet visit


Join us as we journey back in time through an evening visit to the Historiska museum! The exhibitions are based on true stories with objects dating back to the Stone Age- that’s more than 10,000 years ago! Exhibitions are displayed through historical periods and aim to provide stories that will give each visitor a new perspective on history. We will …

Virtual Valborg Celebration


Celebrate Swedish Valborgsmässoafton (Valborg) online with us on April 30! We normally attend a typical Valborg venue on the island of Riddarholmen. But this year, we will have to celebrate online together. We will try to stream a live Valborg event and talk about the traditions and what everything means. We will start just before when the bonfires are normally …

Real life Advent Calendar in Old Town


Join us as we celebrate the holidays with a real life Christmas Advent Calendar experience. Each night during December, a different window in the old town (Gamla Stan) will be opened as singers carol Swedish holiday favorites. We will then enjoy some holiday fika nearby. All are welcome. Just remember to bring warm clothes and holiday cheer. Food & beverages …

Saint Lucia Day Celebration at City Library


Join us as we explore the city temple of books on this very special Swedish traditional holiday of Saint Lucia. Stockholm City Library is hosting the Santa Lucia Celebrations with candle light songs performed by members of Adolf Fredriks musical class. This architecturally famous building is a treat of its own, with a huge collection of books. Bring the family …

500 Years of Monarchy Rule – Royal Armoury


Join us as we visit one of Stockholm’s secret treasures… the Royal Armoury. The Royal Armoury boasts a wide range of historical artefacts depicting the royal history of Sweden from the 16th Century until the present day. Weapons, armour, suits and carriages tell of events and people during 500 years of Swedish and international history. The new exhibition is about …

Old Town Walking Tour


Join us as we walking around the Old Town of Stockholm that will end with a late midday take away fika during fresh autumn weather, surrounded by historical atmosphere, and urban legends. Gamla Stan is one of the largest and best preserved medieval city centers in Europe and one of the foremost attraction in Stockholm so make sure to sign …

Visit to Stockholm City Museum


Join Grow Internationals, as we tour Stockholm´s many wonderful museums. Each month, we will be visiting one of the many great museums around the city. Perfect for individuals, friends, and families. This October, we are off to discover the history of this great city, Stockholm! We will have the opportunity to learn about Stockholm’s transformation from a small location in …

Exploring UNESCO’s Woodland Cemetery


Join us as we explore a place of sublime beauty and poetry. Created over a period of a quarter century on about 250 acres of pine-covered boulder ridge. The Woodland Cemetery is considered one of the most important works of the modernists, it evokes a Nordic philosophy on nature, life, and death. There are also a number of beautiful chapels.   …