Job Market

Sweden has a lot of opportunities on the job market, but can often be perceived as a tough market for foreigners to understand and to enter. The structure of the job market is very important to be aware of before you can navigate it and start finding your dream job.

Thinking about starting a business in Sweden?

There is plenty of support available for setting up a business. Here you can find all information about how to start up your business: Starting a business in Sweden.

Useful Vocabulary

job, work – ett jobb, ett arbete
to work – jobba, arbeta
job advertisement – en jobbannons
employer – en arbetsgivare
employment contract – ett anställningsavtal

salary – en lön
company – ett företag
Internship/trainee - praktik
full-time employment – heltidsanställning
part-time employment – deltidsanställning

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